When calculating the average price, only calculate the products that are actual concrete mixes. Currently the ASP also calculates in, the line item price of misc. products such as MRWR, etc.
Example; if i have a mix quoted with a quantity of 10 at $150.00, and a line item for MRWR with a quantity of 1 at $6.00, the report total shows a quantity of 11, and an ASP of $136.91. That is not correct. The ASP is $150.00 with a line item option to add the MRWR if requested, and the quantity should be 10, not 11.
It would be nice for administrators to be able to select which products should be included in the ASP and quantity columns, on the report. The Product Line category would be a nice place to start (in our scenario).
These line item products also affect the backlog. In our case we enter a (1) for a qty. of MRWR so that it does not skew the backlog schedule. If we were to enter a qty of 150 for CUYD of a concrete mix to be delivered in June with an additional qty of 150 for a line item option for MRWR, the schedule (hence backlog) will tell me that i have a qty of 300 for June. Multiply that times 80-150 projects bid per month along with other misc. line items, you can see how the backlog could be skewed in a real bad way.